6.8.2008 | 02:03
Saddle Fit for Icelandic Horse (Hross)
Saddle Fit for Icelandic Horse (Hross)
There are jineta and brida style riding and saddles.
Jineta saddles and jineta style riding is balanced riding where the saddle has stirrups more centered, which allows for the rider to be balanced and in alignment from shoulder, hip, heel., and in aligment with the horse.
Brida saddles and brida style riding is heavy to the rear, feet forward, riding the horse's face. Brida means riding from the hand, versus riding from the (rider's) body.
Icelandic saddles are brida style. We should use balanced saddles on our Icelandic Horses. It is better for their health and easier to ride with a connection to the horse, in balance with the horse.
Flokkur: Menntun og skóli | Breytt s.d. kl. 02:13 | Facebook
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