Natural and Artificial Gaits of the Icelandic Horse (Islandpferde / Hestur)

Here are some explanations and differences of natural and artificial gaits of the Icelandic Horse (Islandpferde / Hestur):


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Starting Snorri

Starting Snorri, an Icelandic Horse (hestur) gelding, bareback and bitless:



Saddle Fit for Icelandic Horse (Hross)

Saddle Fit for Icelandic Horse (Hross)

There are jineta and brida style riding and saddles.

Jineta saddles and jineta style riding is balanced riding where the saddle has stirrups more centered, which allows for the rider to be balanced and in alignment from shoulder, hip, heel., and in aligment with the horse.

Brida saddles and brida style riding is heavy to the rear, feet forward, riding the horse's face.  Brida means riding from the hand, versus riding from the (rider's) body. 

Icelandic saddles are brida style. We should  use balanced saddles on our Icelandic Horses.  It is better for their health and easier to ride with a connection to the horse, in balance with the horse.


Icelandic Saddle
Balanced Saddle
Also to be considered is whether the saddle is straight...
and is the horse straight! 
For more information about saddle fit, see the


Islandhast Head and Neck

Here is an article about the Icelandic Horse's head and neck conformation:

Please feel free to pass this link on to other Icelandic Horse owners.

Or you can use the information and pictures to write an article for your
club or local newsletter (just let me know where it's going first, thanks).

If you need any other information or images, let me know.   You can contact me at

Where In The World Do You Live?

icelandic horse, cheval islandais, islandhast, islandskehest, islandpferde, Ă­slenskir hestar, ijslands paard, islanninhevonen, islenskihesturinn, islandisches pferd, hestur, islandpony, icelandic pony

Hestur, Young Horse Training

As a horse learns more, at a younger age, he builds more neurons, activating more brain cells, and becomes smarter:





Carrie Underwood Tries Horse Whispering

Carrie Underwood tries horse whispering:




Horse Riding Balance vs Proprioception

This is a helpful video for horse back riders in regard to balance vs proprioception.
If you cannot view the video, click here.

What Gait / Melkolka

What gait is this Icelandic Horse doing?



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